Blinding Trachoma among Adults of Abeshge and Kebena districts, Gurage Zone, in Ethiopia
Abstract Objective: To determine the prevalence of trachomatous trichiasis (TT) and corneal opacity (CO) among adults within Abeshge and Kebena Districts in Gurage Zone. Methods:-Community-based cross-sectional blinding trachoma survey was designed for the study. Random, multistage sampling of the inhabitants over 40 years of age, from villages in the Abeshge and Kebena Districts was performed; 1100 eligible participants were identified for the study. Visual acuity was measured using a Snellens E chart at 6 meters. Eyelid, eye lashes, ocular surface, and anterior segment examinations were performed using torch light and 2.5x magnifying loupe. Trachoma was graded as trachomatous trichiasis (TT) or Corneal Opacity (CO) according to the World Health Organization grading system. Results: The population-based prevalence of blinding trachoma (TT and/or CO) was 6.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] (5.13%, 8.07 %). Women had more blinding trachoma (10.4%) than men (2.8%) (P<0.001). Conclusion: The prevalence of blinding trachoma in Gurage Zone is found to be high and one of the major public health problems. This demonstrates the need for Trachoma surgical service and health education program. [Ethiop.J.Health Dev. 2009;23(1):68-72]Downloads
How to Cite
Woldeyes, A., & Adamu, Y. (2020). Blinding Trachoma among Adults of Abeshge and Kebena districts, Gurage Zone, in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 23(1). Retrieved from
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